Unlocking Success in 2024: Join Our DEIB Training Series!

Hi Reader,

It's open!

Are you ready to take a deep dive into Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging with us?

Join us for Lancaster Leadership’s

Group Coaching Intensive for Leaders

(Only Offered Twice Per Year)

Training Series Topic for Fall 2024:

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging: A Deep Dive

When: August 2024 - December 2024

5 Sessions will Include These Topics:

Building Honest Communication & Conversations Around Differences, Pronouns & Gender Diversity, Neurodiversity, Race & Ethnicity and Age & Generations in the Workplace.

"I love joining these sessions, it has been a learning journey for me. Listening to others and discussion real issues in a safe space that fosters support for one other and also inspires both personal and professional growth. There have been so many great ideas, tips, and recommendations that have helped me through some difficult situations. Asquali."
-- Holly Figeroua - Tribal Liaison, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona Health Choice

What you can expect to gain:

Openness: Get comfortable asking questions & discussing these sensitive topics in a safe space

Action Orientation: Gain strategies to create more diverse & inclusive workplaces

Connection: Lean into the conversation in a community of dynamic leaders

Education: Learn how to discover similarities & maximize differences while gaining up-to-date knowledge & information in the DEIB space

Want to schedule a 15 minute Discovery Call with Julie to find out more?

Seize the opportunity to invest in yourself and your team. Embrace Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging as keys to unlocking success in 2024.

Ready to embark on this transformative journey? Sign up below and take the first step toward a more inclusive and empowered future.

Here's to a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and belonging-filled year ahead!

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