How Have Your Limits & Expansions Changed?, Vol. 13, Issue 6

Dear Reader,

It snowed 32 inches the last weekend of April.

Lucky for me, I love to ski.

And I get to think, “Still skiing!” I’ve had that thought throughout the spring months as storms have moved across Northern Arizona dusting and drenching the region, and I’ve had that thought since I started skiing in my twenties and picked up my first job in the ski industry living in a dorm in Germany.

I am curious how long I will say, “Still skiing!” this season. It pushes me to a recognition of my limits and expansions. As I drive the highways of Arizona, I see slivers of snow high in the mountains and ask myself, “Could I ski that in June? Could I find that in July? Still skiing?”

I surely won’t get a chairlift ride to the pockets of shadowed snow in July, but I could hike through the wilderness with my ski gear for that hidden bit of snow. Limits and expansions- in this example there are many limits: closed roads, high elevation, fitness! And there are opportunities for expansion: navigation, wilderness travel, year-round skiing in Arizona.

Who knows if I’ll ski in July, but I appreciate the thought exercise. It helps me think outside the box and wonder what is possible in the world and in myself.

My sense of limits and expansions is awakened by skiing, but I see it other places in my life. It shows up in work, in relationships, in family. I wonder what is possible. Sometimes I find a shot I hadn’t known was an option, other times I find a risk that’s not worth the potential outcomes.

Going back to my first ski season at a dorm in Germany, I wasn’t thinking about hiking in the wilderness in July searching for a secret stash of snow, I was just trying to stay upright! My limits and expansions have changed since then.

Where do you see your limits and expansions? How have they changed?


Judy Tincher, Lancaster Leadership Facilitator

More about Judy here.

Coming Soon: DEIB Deep Dive

Are you ready for transformation? Are you looking to gain openness? Action orientation? Connection? Education?

If you answered yes to any of these, join us for our upcoming Group Coaching Intensive! This session's theme is: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging: A Deep Dive. Here are some topics that will be included: Pronouns & Gender Diversity, Neurodiversity, Race & Ethnicity and Age & Generations in the Workplace.

Details you won't want to forget:

  • One monthly, virtual meeting: August - December
  • 2 hour meetings: 8:30am - 10:30am with coach Julie Lancaster & a guest facilitator
  • One 1-on-1 Coaching Session with one of our guest coaches: Judy Tincher, Jeff Kennedy, Renee Rosales,
  • Your own co-mentors with 2 co-mentor sessions

Registration for this session opens on June 14th... you won't want to miss out. Check out our website for more details.

Win Big: Freebies Week on LinkedIn

Freebies Week is back... mark your calendars for July 16th - 19th.

So, what is Freebies Week? This is a week filled with giveaways and prizes that is completely free. All you need to do is follow Lancaster Leadership on LinkedIn, answer our daily questions in the comments then, you will be entered to win! Then, look out for our daily videos announcing the winner(s).

Connect with us on LinkedIn below to make sure you don't miss out on the fun.

Leadership Toolbox: Neurodiversity Masterclass

Don't forget to sign up for our online masterclass, Cultivating Neurodiversity in the Workplace! Learn strategies that you can use to empower neurodiverse individuals in your workplace. We are excited to announce the 50% of your $29 registration fee will be dontated to The Trevor Project.

Hear From Clients: Case Study Measurables

We are proud of our successful strategic planning and leadership coaching with the Colorado Plateau Center for Health Professions. High satisfaction, reduced turnEmpowering teams, transforming outcomes! over, and enhanced engagement are just the beginning.

If you are curious to see what Lancaster Leadership can do for your company, schedule a meeting to learn more information. Do you have measurable outcomes of training from Lancaster Leadership? We would love to hear it!

Power Phrase of the Month:
"Slow down to speed up."

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